It is time to get into the FairTax and get this thing through. Don’t know of it? Well, go here and read up. It is a very good thing, this Fairtax.
So here are five things you can do to help before november:
- Go here and tell your congressman you want this. Plus there are several ways to get online and spread the word. Including (of course)Facebook and Twitter.
- Speak up!! Find you favorite points here and spread the word to your friends/family/whoever wants to listen.
- Get involved with groups in your area You can go here to get started with that.
- There are people who do not want the fairtax and continuously bash and spread false info about it. Be one who points these bad things to fairtax like here to make sure all is informed correctly about the WHOLE STORY on HR 25 and S296, The FairTax Act
- Financial Support. Enough said. Go here to do that.
This is the best way to take the first step in taking back our country. Fairtax has 63 cosponsors (and growing) for the Act. Read up on the 80 business and university economists who support Fairtax.
Join the fight for Tax Fairness.
Anything to get rid of the IRS.
Hooah!! Well, make sure you send your friends to my site or the Fairtax site to spread the word!!! We can’t do it alone!!