I wanted to pass on some valuable information I have learned. Country music is bad for you. Country music can drive you to commit suicide. True Story. Just read this article from Auburn University. I don’t make this shit up!!! Friends, please. Don’t listen to country music if you want to live!!! And of course this is just another reason for ME not to listen to country music. A very compelling one at that. You know what happens when you play a country song backwards? You get your wife back, you get your pickup back, your dogs come back…
It’s not like I peruse this site a lot but every now and then, Cracked writers post articles I really am compelled to read. Like this one on Theories of Time. Interesting stuff here. Did you know that you age quicker at higher altitudes? Makes sense, though. Just thought I would share.
And with the next Presidential elections right around the corner, you may have to figure out what you really are. Dem, Repub, Libert? Take this Political Compass test and find out.